by Matt Urch

The first week of welding workshops is underway and it’s been great to get some of you in and see the progress you were able to make in one day.

We had a father and daughter in, Jon and Bronte, for a beginners welding workshop. They had no prior welding experience and by the end of the day they were able to set the machine parameters and lay down some nice looking welds. They had no trouble assembling the Urchfab dice kit and Bronte proved to be a natural on the tig.

We also had Jan and Leon in for a 1-2-1 workshop, Jan spent his session focusing on mig and left with a clear understanding of fine tuning the machine and Leon did a mixture of mig, DC tig and AC tig and spent his session working on techniques and machine settings.

We are nearly fully booked for June but there are still a few dates left towards the end of the month, you can see those dates here.

Or if you would like to book a welding workshop in July then here are the dates…

Monday 1st July (9am – 12.30pm) – 1-2-1 Workshop
Tuesday 2nd July (9am – 4pm) – MIG Workshop
Thursday 4th July (9am – 4pm) – TIG Workshop
Friday 5th July (9am – 12.30pm) – 1-2-1 Workshop

Monday 8th July (9am – 12.30pm) – 1-2-1 Workshop
Tuesday 9th July (9am – 4pm) – Beginners Workshop
Thursday 11th July (9am – 4pm) – TIG Workshop

Monday 15th July (9am – 12.30pm) – 1-2-1 Workshop
Tuesday 16th July (9am – 4pm) – TIG Workshop
Thursday 18th July – (9am – 4pm) – Beginners Workshop

Monday 22nd July (9am – 12.30pm) – 1-2-1 Workshop
Tuesday 23rd July (9am – 4pm) – MIG Workshop
Thursday 25th July – (9am – 4pm) – TIG Workshop
Friday 26th July – (9am – 12.30pm) – 1-2-1 Workshop

Monday 29th July (9am – 12.30pm) – 1-2-1 Workshop
Tuesday 30th July (9am – 4pm) – Beginners Workshop

The course cost is £250 per person.

Dates will vary from month to month and we appreciate that not everyone can attend during working hours so we do have a limited number of evening and Sunday slots available. Please get in touch for more info on this.

You can read about what is included in the courses on the welding workshops page here, so if you aren’t sure which welding workshop is right for you then that is the best place to start. The beginner and MIG / TIG specific courses are both very practical and hands on and you will get to assemble your own Urchfab dice kit which will be yours to take home at the end of the day. The 1-2-1 courses are your chance to work on your weaknesses and focus on any areas you want specific help with.

If you have any questions or would like to book a course then please contact us at urchfabbookings@gmail.com.

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Paul Palmer June 8, 2024 - 10:17 am

Hi want to learn how to weld as have an Old Ford that needs welding etc. Did a bit when I was an apprentice mechanic but forgotten most of it! What would the cost of a beginner course be please? And where are you based? Thanks Paul

Matt Urch June 9, 2024 - 1:56 pm

Hi Paul, the beginner course is £250 and I’m based near Axminster, Devon. If you would like me to send you a booking form then please let me know. Cheers, Matt.


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